Posted on 3/30/2012

Today's Camarillo Car Care Center post focuses on using the proper fluids for your vehicle. Big advances in automotive technology have lead to the development of high-tech fluids to keep pace. Some because of engineering advances and others, advances in the materials used to build SUV automotive systems. A simple example of this is the cooling system. For decades it was primarily made out of iron, steel and rubber hoses. There was one kind of coolant that protected these components from corrosion. Now cooling system components are made with various metal alloys and plastics. These materials require different additives to protect them from corrosion. Since the materials used vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, we now have a number of different kinds of coolant. And it’s important that Camarillo car owners use the right coolant. If you pour in ... read more
Posted on 3/23/2012

Your SUV requires plenty of clean fuel to run. When your fuel isn’t clean, your fuel injectors can start to become clogged up. When this happens, your SUV engine may not get the proper amount of fuel at the correct pressure to run efficiently. This hurts fuel economy and performance as you drive around Thousand Oaks. It can also lead to the buildup of harmful deposits on valves and in the combustion chamber. That’s why all vehicles, including SUVs, come equipped with a fuel filter somewhere between the engine and the fuel tank. The job of the filter is to clean out little pieces of dirt and contamination. The filter captures the contaminants and holds them out of the fuel stream. Of course, the filter will eventually get clogged up and need to be replaced at Camarillo Car Care Center. If your fuel filter is clogged, the SUV engine can’t get all the fuel it needs, and it ... read more
Posted on 3/15/2012

When it comes to their vehicles, some Thousand Oaks people don’t have a maintenance mindset. They know they need to take care of their cars, but it just seems really hard to get them to remember to do it. Thousand Oaks drivers generally accept that many things in life require regular maintenance, but just may have not applied it to their SUVs. For example: the lawn. You water it and mow it every week. And weed the flower beds and rake the leaves. There are other things that Thousand Oaks people are good about maintaining. Going to the dentist twice a year. Clothes to the dry cleaner. Flu shots. Taking the kids to your Thousand Oaks doctor for a checkup before school starts. So Thousand Oaks people really are maintenance minded. They just have to learn to apply that mindset to cars. I mean, if you never brush your teeth or go to the dentist, you’ll become painfully aware of your neglect when you g ... read more
Posted on 3/6/2012

Today in the Camarillo Car Care Center auto care blog, we’re going to talk about oil change intervals. It seems that as engine technology advances, recommended oil change intervals have gotten longer for Camarillo Car Care Center customers. High quality oil in a well-engineered SUV engine has lead to extended intervals. But it’s also lead to some confusion among Camarillo drivers. The old mantra “change your oil every three months or three thousand miles, whichever comes first” once applied to every vehicle in your garage. Time and miles take their toll on motor oil. But now, you could have a different oil change recommendation for every car or truck you own. Camarillo people are like everybody else, they have a tendency to put off all the oil changes to the schedule of the vehicle with the longest interval. Of course, that can lead to problems. For example, recently four of the world’s l ... read more