Posted on 6/30/2010
People in Camarillo have been hearing a lot about higher oil change intervals these days. Maybe you're wondering: What are the key issues? Some new vehicle manufacturers in Camarillo are now recommending much higher oil change intervals than they have in the past. As much as 5,000 to 8,000 miles or more. This practice came under scrutiny when four of the largest new car manufacturers announced that owners like those in Camarillo were experiencing engine damage resulting from these higher oil change intervals. The manufacturers' standard oil drain service for particular vehicles was scheduled at around 7,500 miles. People following these recommendations were experiencing engine damage. It turns out that oil sludge was building up. This caused small oil passages to clog and engine parts to fail. What causes oil sludge? It's a factor of time and mileage. There are hot spots in every engine that cause oil burn off that l ... read more
Posted on 6/29/2010

The Heat is on in Southern California and that means the temperature INSIDE your car and UNDER THE HOOD is going to get HOT! We'll help you keep cool by offering this great Summer Special . Designed to keep not only you and your passengers cool, but your engine too! Don't get caught unexpectedly in the summer heat. Come in or call today to take advantage of this super limited time offer....and STAY COOL! SUMMER SPECIAL $79.99 Oil Change Service Coolant Level Inspection Air Conditioning Service Comprehensive Battery Test Tire Rotation Visual Brake I ... read more
Posted on 6/23/2010
Today at Camarillo Car Care Center we want to talk with you about a very important safety issue. This automotive safety warning is coming from a very unusual source: fire fighting experts. You've probably heard of E-85 gasoline being offered in the Thousand Oaks area. Some newer vehicle models are specifically built to run on E-85 the rest are not. E-85 gasoline has been developed to fight air pollution and reduce oil consumption. E-85 fuel is a mix of 15% ethanol, a grain-base alcohol, and 85% gasoline. So-called Flex-Fuel vehicles are designed to use either normal gasoline or E-85 gas. The result is lower harmful exhaust emissions to our local Thousand Oaks community. All gas engines can run with up to 10% ethanol and in fact a lot of gasoline sold in the Camarillo CA area does contain some ethanol. The problem comes when well meaning people without Flex Fuel certified vehicles put E-85 into the tank ... read more
Posted on 6/16/2010
People in Camarillo CA often ask the question: “Will using premium gas make my car run better?” The answer is simple. But first, let's talk about what exactly premium gasoline is. Different grades of gasoline have different octane ratings. Regular gasoline has the lowest octane rating and premium the highest. Most gas stations around Camarillo CA also carry a mid-grade that falls in between the two. The octane range for the different grades of gas varies by region due to altitude differences. Engines require different octane ratings because of design differences. For example, turbocharged engines usually require premium gas. There's a sticker on your gas tank filler lid that tells you the minimum octane rating your manufacturer recommends. Read your owner's manual carefully to see if it's acceptable to use lower grades. With some cars in Camarillo CA it is; the engine control computer can adapt. You'll lose some ... read more
Posted on 6/10/2010
We've all seen people do crazy things while driving to or from Thousand Oaks. A guy shaving in the rear-view mirror, a woman applying makeup, people talking on their phones, texting or drinking from an enormous coffee mug. All of these are an accident waiting to happen. The truth is everyone in Thousand Oaks CA is distracted when we drive. Traffic, road construction and other things outside the car are beyond our control. But the distractions inside our car are things we can often control. Here's some things that'll give you more control in your car, and help keep your attention on the roads around Thousand Oaks CA. Drivers who are 16 to 20 years old tend to be more distracted by the radio, CD or MP3 player. Drivers who are 20 to 29 are more distracted by passengers in the car, including small children. And those over age 65 tend to be more distracted by objects or events that are outside of the vehicle. Other factors like fati ... read more
Posted on 6/3/2010
Call Camarillo Car Care Center to make an appointment to check your transmission in Camarillo. 2739 Daily Drive Camarillo, CA 93010 805-482-2853 Do you have any plans around Camarillo CA for the weekend? Maybe you and some friends and are taking the boat up to the lake. Maybe you'll be having a lot of fun water skiing and doing a little fishing. You got the boat all ready. It's all gassed up. You packed lots of snacks and the cooler's stocked ready to go. How about your tow vehicle? It has plenty of gas and you've even vacuumed it out, but is your auto maintenance up to date? Stop and think. You'll have some heavy traffic on your way out of town. Hilly terrain as you get to the lake. Some dirt roads and it may be hot weather. And all the time you're going to be towing around several thousand extra pounds. That all adds up a lot of severe strain on your engine, brakes and t ... read more
Posted on 6/1/2010
No matter how well they're made, cars are bound to have problems with their design or manufacturing. When the government thinks a problem is really serious, they require the manufacturer to issue a recall notice to Camarillo residents and to fix the car free of charge. The manufacturer then tries to contact everyone who owns that type of car in Camarillo and elsewhere until the work is done. These recalls always affect safety, so you need to take them seriously. It's really easy to find out if a vehicle is being recalled. For links to government sites, look in the AutoNetTV website. Other website include:;; and All of these sites have free recall searches. Recalls are pretty serious and don't happen all ... read more